Covid-19 Reopening Plan


Pursuant to the directive established by the New Jersey Labor and Workforce Development and the New Jersey Board of Nursing, Academy  of Training and Employment hereby releases its re-opening plan. As a training institution, we want to ensure that both our students and staff are provided with a safe and healthy learning environment without compromising their health and safety.

This measure we are taking will be implemented and strictly enforced by management. We take the health of our students, staff, and our communities very seriously. We will ensure that these health safety measures are adhered to, without exception. 


● Cleaning will take place twice a day (morning and before leaving)
● The facility will be sanitized before being opened to the public
● The facility will have COVID 19 social distancing signs and “stand here” labels will be placed throughout the building
● The facility will have six-foot sitting labels in the reception area
● Temperatures will be taken at the student’s and employees’ entrance
● The facility will have sanitation wipes and sanitation stations throughout the building for the public, students, and staff use
● Facility waiting rooms will be reconfigured to meet safe distance mandates
● Facility will have an establish maximum number of students per classroom (10)
● Facility waiting rooms will be reconfigured to meet safe distance mandates


● Everyone will be responsible for sanitizing their workstation arriving /leaving work every day
● There shall be no sharing of workstation equipment (desk phones, mouse, computers, etc.)
● Use of work equipment will be by the staff it is assigned to. Multiple users of work equipment will be prohibited (phones, computers, etc.)
● When using the copy machines all individuals must wear gloves and discard them after using the copy machine
● Sanitizing equipment and supplies will be distributed


● All computers will have virtual work capability
● Virtual Private Network (VPN) that will allow access to the office computer to work from home
● Laptops will be issued to students for virtual learning if necessary  Zoom, WebEx, Google Suite, Hangouts, slides, and Go To Meetings
● for doing case management remotely
● Business texting to contact clients
● Digital file system. To scan, store, and back up all files. Would allow staff to fully service students
● Modify all forms and upload to the system for clients to have the ability to submit them online

One step registration and scheduling appointments online


● Staff will be required to wear masks while in the workplace
● Staff will be mandated to enter through the employees’ entrance at all times
● Staff must communicate with their supervisor/manager if they are exhibiting COVID_19 symptoms
● Staff will be required to speak with other coworkers in the safe space zones
● Staff will be required to attend a post-COVID-19 health preparation and training (alleviate the anxiety of returning to the workplace)


● Limit Face to Face contact
● Update all contact information for students
● Require all students to sign a waiver to receive pertinent information via electronically, when possible
● Provide teleconference intake and counseling when possible
● Document all contact with students at all times
● Create online videos with client information
● Host online orientation classes


● Non-employees will be required to wear masks to enter the building and while in the building.
● Non-employees visiting the building must enter from the employee entrance (Post office, UPS, Fed-Ex, .)


● Students entering the building must wear a mask at all times
● Students will be given a disposable mask when possible to enter the building
● Students will be required to update all contact information
● Students will be required to establish child care prior to their training activity
● Students will be required to verify the type of technology they have available to them (Smartphone, Tablet, etc.) PPE
● Masks will be issued to the entire staff
● Shields will be issued to staff and students during hands-on training staff
● Gloves will be issued to all students and staff during training

Academy School of Employment & Training will continue to update these health policies in
accordance with changes and instructions from CDC and the State of New Jersey

We intend to keep our students and staff as safe as possible.

Thank you for your cooperation for more information please contact us  Academy of Training & Employment Center for Secure Success

148 South 11th Street

553-555 Central Avenue

Newark, NJ, 07107

Tel 973.733.2727

Tel 973.494.9535

Fax 973.733.2052